Posts filed under: Desserts


Financier Madeleines with a Middle Eastern Twist

A hybrid of French Financiers & Madeleines with a Middle Eastern twist. Served with rose crème anglaise, dark chocolate ganache & pistachios crumbs for dipping. Delicious and almost too pretty to eat. ...

Pumpkin Spice Bread

While it does not feel like Autumn/Fall in Kuwait, it is! So, to entertain my Autumn feels and pumpkin spice brainwashed mind, I experimented in the kitchen and attempted a pumpkin spice bread...

Lemon Tart

This luscious lemon tart is creamy, smooth, sweet and super zingy. As it should be ;-) A little labour of love and patience required, but so worth it....

Cape Malay Koesisters

You read right, koesisters. The Cape Malay version of koeksisters. Koesisters remind me of generosity and diversity.  They are a reminder of home and the big-hearted, humble, creative, resilient and selfless fellow humans that live in Cape Town and the rest...

Rose & Pistachio Chocolate Eclairs

In the spirit of Eid Mubarak, I made these lovely Middle Eastern inspired Chocolate Eclairs filled with rose scented cream and sprinkled with slivered pistachio nuts and dried rose bud petals....

Caramel Apple Galette

Need a scrumptious dessert that consists of basic pantry ingredients? This Apple Galette ticks all the boxes with it's caramel saucy goodness and fuss free pastry!...

Milk Tart Dom Pedro

I made this ridiculously simple Dom Pedro. It's basically a boozy milkshake, yes? Hazelnut or peppermint liqueur is my usual weakness but then I thought, why not a milk tart Dom Pedro?  Tant' Sannie se Melk Tert Dom Pedro to be...

Poached Guavas | Rooibos Ideal Milk | Oat Crumble

I've teamed up with Tant' Sannie se Melk Tert to tell ya'll about a fun recipe challenge which involves creating a recipe adding this proudly South African ''milk tart'' liqueur as an ingredient.  The prize is pretty awesome as you...

Luxury Fruit Cake | 2 ways

In all these years, I have not shared my favourite fruit cake recipe on this blog. So when Food Lover's Market asked me and a few other incredible foodies to bake a festive fruitcake using their legendary 1 kg bucket...

Flourless Chocolate Torte

Think fudgy moist brownie. This dark, rich torte is incredible with creme fraiche and berries to cut through the sweetness. An absolute winner and I have many ''guinea pigs'' to confirm this.  Remember, it's gluten free/flourless but is still most...